Document Management
The paperless office at last! This module makes paper pushing
a thing of the past.
Simply collect all your morning post together, dump it in
the scanner, pull up the contact & company; Virtual Office
links the letter directly to those details and builds the
correspondence entry for you. It asks you who should be dealing
with this newly received letter; you simply pick the appropriate
persons(s) from a series of staff photographs, and the letter
will be sent electronically to one or more recipients with
a description of what to do with the letter.
The forward wizard allows the same letter to be forwarded
on to another set of people giving brand new task descriptions
and priorities for each person. As well as just sending the
letter you can highlight and append notes to letter (without
spoiling the image), for example you could highlight a specific
paragraph that could be of interest to one of your colleagues.
Not just letters! Brochures, competitive information and
news paper clippings can be scanned in and fully categorised.
to enlarge picture

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